Monday, August 6, 2012

busy week in Gdansk... week 21

Dear Family!

This week was very busy! So much has happened. We went down to Warsaw on Monday to do some legal work and accidentally missed our train on the way back (my bad!) so we caught a later one and ended up getting home later than usual. But the cool part was we met a really spunky elderly couple in our cabin on the way back and we really bonded. Then when the train broke and we had to all stuff in another one, we helped them with their bags and it was a really fun experience.Sister Ostler is so good. She is so grateful and willing to work hard. She's very good at learning by observing. Seriously she is such an example to me of enjoying every moment. We've grown a lot closer this week and it's been fun to see how our teaching has improved. Our Christ-like attribute for this week is: humility (again). I personally need to remember to be willing to do whatever the Lord asks and remember that all our blessings and experiences really do come from Him.

Othing events this week:

*Lukasz, a friend of our investigator Lukasz (who happens to look like Cory from Boy Meets World) has read up to the end of 2nd Nephi in the Book of Mormon! In one week! He is awesome. He didn't make it to church this week but keep him in your prayers.
*We've been meeting with Basia, our recent convert and she is so sweet. She has such a strong testimony. We've been inviting her to tell her family about her baptism and she mustered up the courage to tell her son she goes to church every Sunday (he was like, Mom where do you go on Sundays???).  So that's good.
*We officially moved to our new building! Bye Ulica Daniela Fahrenheita 5, hello bibloteka! that's right, we're meeting in a library. That is, until we find a new place so probably for the next month or so.
*President and Sister Nielson were in Gdansk (for building stuff) and they took us out to Pizza Hut! So nice of them. They have such a wonderful spirit about them.
*We had a lesson with Agnieszka about fasting. It was so cute! Tomek (her 8 year old son) has just finished the Book of Mormon reader for kids. Now he's reading the Doctrine and Covenants for kids. He mentioned to her the other day that he had read about fasting somewhere. And he told her "Mom. I've read about fasting. But I don't think I can last longer than TWO days. That would be the maximum." Cute right? He was overjoyed to find out fasting is only for 2 MEALS so he was excited about this fast Sunday.
*The Harkers took us out to dinner at Degrasso's pizza this week. They are so nice, and always willing to be on lessons with us!
*Thanks to help and guidance of the Spirit, we got the Standard of Excellence again! We weren't really close to getting it but then all the sudden, everything just pulled together!
*We were teaching our English class in Manhattan Mall Library this week. We started reading 1 Nephi chapter 4 and we were JUST getting to the part where Nephi kills Laban when...BAM! we were in total darkness. Turns out we had to evacuate the building and there was a big storm and all the power went out! When we went outside the roads were RIVERS. Cars were swimming and everyone was standing on the mall steps, not wanting to wade through the flood. Sadly it all went away in a few minutes but it was a fun adventure!

The best part of the week by far was sacrament meeting. We were a little bit worried that people wouldn't be able to find the church now that we moved to the library. But there were even MORE people than usual and it was such a powerful meeting. 
(Not having a piano was an adventure too...singing acapella!) President Kempa asked me to start the testimony meeting so that was a little scary but really good. Everyone had such good testimonies and the Spirit was so strong. One older man (Jan) was there for his first time. We had met him on the bus a few weeks ago. He was feeling the Spirit so much he didn't know what to do! He just kept clapping and he called out "Bravo! Bravo!" when Agnieszka bore her testimony. It was amazing.

I love you all so much. I really do miss you and pray for you everyday.

Sister Bezdjian

 Branch Members
 Hard working companions!

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