Monday, April 16, 2012

Gdansk life-5

Dear Family bo Bamily,

Hello! Greetings from GDANSK!!! Life is just fantastic here, the weather is getting warmer, buds are blooming, we are working hard, and I'm learning so much!

Sister McAdams is wonderful. I love her so much. We have so much fun together! Something I learned from her this week was from her talk in sacrament meeting on forgiveness. She talked about how forgiveness and repentance are so linked. She is a good example of being honest with people and teaching what she knows to be true.

Our Christ-like attribute for this week is: Obedience. Our goal is to be exactly obedient in all things. As Elder Nelson has said: "Obedience brings blessings. Exact Obedience brings miracles." So yeah! Shooting for miracles this week :D

Something I learned in Preach My Gospel this week was: the prophecies about Joseph Smith and the Restoration from the Bible. We are currently meeting with some very faithful Jehovah's witnesses and I have been studying the Restoration so we can help them understand it a little better. It's definitely strengthened my testimony of the restored gospel. Their names are Aldona Sara (her middle name, so she texted me some scriptures about Sarah in the Bible) and Ania. Aldona is my age and Ania is probably in her 30s and about to go on a mission for her church to Spain. It was very cool to meet with them because we were nervous it might turn into a bible bashing session but surprisingly they just sat and listened and we testified about the Book of Mormon.

Funny story: we're visiting a woman named Elzbieta who is less active and lives in Sopot. She wants to come to church but she has an old mom who won't let her and her son has autism so it's always fun visiting her. Anyway he's probably mid 20s and he's hilarious! He just yells out all the time "FACT!" but in a Polish way so it's more like "FAHKT!" "GAZETTAH!" (magazine) and all these other advertisements. It's so funny. And everyday at 6 pm his pants come OFF. So that's always a good motivation to keep our lessons 30 minutes or shorter! Last time he just BAM pulled them off! and he was like "JUZ! Jest 18!" Which means like it's 6 pm already these pants are coming off! So funny.

I love you all!


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