Monday, May 20, 2013


Dearest family bo bamily,
Thank you for your prayers. We really do feel them and I'm so glad that you all are so supportive of me. Thank you!!!

Guess what? Tonight we're going on exchanges! I'm going to Katowice  will be there until Wednesday and Sister Packard is coming to Wrocław. I'm so happy we get to have more exchanges. I can't wait to see what Sister Blake and I will learn from the other sisters. Exchanges are such a great way to improve and evaluate how we are doing.

Sister Blake and I are....doing wonderful! She is so amazing. I really love Sister Blake. She is a really good example of faith. We both gave talks this past sunday in church and we've known about it for two weeks. Well she shared with me something her cousin did/does. There is a scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants (as well as many other places) that says we should "treasure up in our minds continually the words of life and it will be given" us what we need to say in the very moment we need it (D&C 100:5-8). So Sister Blake's cousin decided to do that with a talk. He just studied the scriptures on the given topic but didn't plan it out or write out his talk. And then when he went up there he just spoke with the Spirit. Cool huh? 

So Sister Blake inspired us to do that with our talks. Her topic was the Atonement and mine was the Savior. It was a really cool faith-building exercise, especially for her because she's only been in the country for 2 1/2 weeks! Crazy. But she did SUCH a great job and I was just so proud of her. It was hard for me not to write what I wanted to say but just a bit before sacrament meeting it all came and it was actually a really fun experience.

So my most amazing experience this week was...we got invited to someone's home for a lesson. They were people that we met on the street this past week but weren't too interested in a spiritual meeting. They more wanted to socialize. But we thought, hey we set up the meeting, and let's try it. We ended up having a really good spiritual discussion and it was so great! They are really cool young college kids so we hope they'll want to find out more. 

Other cool experience was when we went over to a member's house for lunch and she invited her friend over for lunch and gospel discussion! It was so amazing and this sister is such a great example of member missionary work.
Other cool things:
*Cynthia's baptism is going to be this saturday! we are so excited for her! She probably knows more gospel doctrine than Dad. (Just kidding!)

*Yesterday the Cieleński's invited us over for dinner and it was really fun! They are such a cute fun family.

*We took our culture night on Saturday and went around for "night of the museums" when all the museums in wroclaw are free.

Then we ended the event with a fountain light show at a park. So much fun, especially because Sister Blake is so fun to be around.

*We went by a former investigator family and they are so cool! sis blake will have a lesson with them tonight so I'll let you know how it goes! they are really cool.

Thank you for all you do.
Sister Bezdjian

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