Monday, April 29, 2013


Dearest Family,
Hello! Wow it has been such a good but really fast week. Everything is blossoming and families are out in parks, and Sister Bown and I are having a blast. It's amazing. I don't even know where to start!
Here's the big news. Transfers are this week and I'm going to....
WROCŁAW!!! Which is said to be the prettiest city in Poland. Needless to say, I can't wait. I will be training and the two sisters currently there are both going home so we'll be whitewashing. Fun fun.
Wrocław is one of the prettiest and liveliest cities in Poland. Multicultural, it has an important university, a vast array of restaurants and bars, designer shops, theatre and musical events. The Odra River and dozens of little canals that meander through its tree-lined streets with their tall, multi-coloured buildings set the scene. In fact, Wrocław is made up of no less than 12 islands, joined by over 100 bridges, and simply begs to be explored.
Other things, we went around to some funeral homes this past week and got rejected. But hey, it was all good because we found another really amazing family!! His name is Piotr and he has probably 50 grandkids running around. It was amazing though, they all sat at the table politely and listened as we told them about Joseph Smith. It was really cool. They're coming to FHE tonight so that should be pretty fun.
What else? Oh yeah. We had a Young Women's activity. We "tie dyed" with sharpies on t-shirts and one of our sheets. I tried to draw Malfoy's face from Harry Potter but it ended up looking like Neville Longbottom. I'll send a picture next week. Natalie loved it though so it was really great.
Arseń spent some time with us this week going to lessons and visiting members! Who could have guess how well a 20-something year old russian guy could get along with a 60-polish woman? He is a charmer.
We had lunch again with Iwona and her 5 kids. She is amazing! Please pray for her. She hadn't read yet but I know as we keep meeting with her it will be great.

carrying stuff to do a table set up in freedom square yesterday with Natalie

The principle I learned from the scriptures this week was...Moroni 7. One of my favorite chapters. I love his encouragements to be full of faith, hope, and charity. If we all strived to have a little more charity each day, I know it would change the world.

Sister Bown in her blue pants
Sis Bown grocery shopping

Translated this says BAN COMPLAINTS

funny card Sis Bown received
Sara in her purple pants

Sister Bown and I sad to be leaving each other! Well, at least I am to leave her. She's probably sick of me haha. Anyway, what more can I say about Sister Bown??? She is amazing, full of wisdom, calm, wonderful in every way, graceful, and fun. I am going to miss this sister.
Sister Bezdjian
p.s. I sent my letters home today (they wouldn't fit in my bags) and it weighed almost 5 kilos! So that box should be coming in a few months.

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