Monday, May 28, 2012

Gdansk week 11

Dzien Dobry Dear Family! 

Thank you for your all your prayers for me and Sister McAdams! We've been having so much success with our potential investigators and contacting people wherever we go. Thank you! Also thank you for reading the Book of Mormon :) I really appreciate every single one of you who is reading!

Sister McAdams is amazing. We are working really hard together. This week she taught me about bravery and not being afraid to talk to anyone, anywhere. I love serving with her! We went to Poznan this week for Zone Conference last Tuesday. We had a few lessons on the train and it was really fun. 

Our Christ-like attribute for this week is: listening with love. We are striving to really apply Elder Holland's quote from Preach My Gospel about listening to the investigators (or even people on the street, or members) and then testify. We are striving to not worry about what we will say but rather listen with love and faith, knowing that what we need to say will be given us. 

Something I learned in the Book of Mormon this week was a lot about the gathering of Israel. It really is a unique part of our message that can touch the hearts of the people here in Poland. I thought a lot about Krystyna, our investigator who is fascinated with family history work and how the Book of Mormon is evidence that the gathering of Israel has commenced and is going. We had another meeting with her this week and we talked about the restoration. She is so curious to know why we baptize people who died but were already baptized. She's like I understand those people who weren't baptized but why do you do it for those who already are??? So cute and she's so eager to learn more.
We invited the Spirit this week by: giving everything we have to the work. We honestly gave every scrap of effort and extra spare thought to how we can improve and how we can serve more. We really took to heart the scriptures "serve God with all your might, mind, strength, heart." Very rewarding and also exhausting. The scripture from King Benjamin's speech about not running faster than you have strength came to mind a few times this week...such wise words!

In other news...
*Our investigator Marzena finally invited us over to her house! (We had been meeting in parks up til now.) It's really great because she's really starting to trust us! We also gave Nikki her 10 yr old daughter a copy of the children's book of mormon and she is reading it :D Yay! The only sad part is that Marzena was riding her bike this week and was hit by a car. She is all beat up on her left side but the cool part is she told us she felt something telling her she shouldn't go. A few times she felt like something was telling her not to go--but she said "it wasn't my guardian angel." We testified that the Holy Ghost protects us from danger and one of His roles is to warn us. It was really sad because she is all bruised and scratched and they don't have that much money for medicine but she also is seeing the good from it. Please pray for her!

*That reminds me of a scripture I read this week in 2 Nephi 10:20. How Lehi's family went through hardships but were led to a better land. Often, we go through difficult times in order to come to better things. Lidia (our recent convert) said in church this week how she was grateful she fell away from God for awhile because then she was ready to receive the message of the restored gospel from the missionaries. 

*I miss you all a lot. Friends, family, home, familiar things, sleeping in. But I've been pondering about everything I've been learning and how many miracles I've been able to witness. I wouldn't trade this experience I'm having right now for anything. I am so blessed to be serving the Lord by serving the Poles. 

*We had a lesson with Marta (our 17 year old investigator from English) with Lidia (recent convert) and we talked about God and how much He loves us. It was such a powerful meeting and so fun too! It's amazing to hear Lidia's testimony and feel her teaching by the Spirit. 

*Polish girls wear shiny tights. I just bought myself a pair (to look more Polish) and Sister McAdams jokes that she is blinded by the glare. Hahaha.

Thank you for all that you do and for who you are.
Sister Bezdjian

p.s. boxing at YSA (Patryk does MMA and had his gloves with him!)
p.p.s. the recording (next email) is for the opening hymn when you have FHE this week!
Neptune in the rynek

Pinata at the Grill

boxing at YSA

Sister Caveman... museum culture night

on the train to Poznan!

With some guards in the rynek and our investigator Marta!

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